Nov 16, 20171 min

A WOOLLY ADVENT APPROACHES - Christmas is coming...

Chocolate advent calendars seem to be today's "in-thing", don't they? But what about pocket advent calendars?

You don't hear about them very often now do you? Are they still popular in primary schools or am I totally out of date? I remember getting a tingly "Christmas is coming" feeling in school assemblies around about advent time. The headteacher would ask for a volunteer to come up and "open the next door" of our school's enormous advent calendar (undoubtedly machine-felted!) Delving into a pocket to reveal a machine-felted velcro decoration (a bauble/present /stocking...) was incredibly exciting - made the school holidays feel closer!

ANYWAY, last year I decided to make my very own pocket calendar - a HAND FELTED - one of considerably smaller proportions. And I was really pleased with the result, pleased enough to bring them into Cygnet this year...

Reasons for enjoying making and using your hand-felted pocket advent calendar: 1) the pockets use up leftover felt off cuts, 2) I could have fun with free machining (I'm a true doodler at heart), 3) calendars are reuseable, 4) they can be personalised according to taste e.g filled with chocolates, stickers, messages, riddles, christmas present clues, jokes - just something small and inexpensive. When 26th December dawns there's no need to throw it away and start saving for the 2018 edition, just roll it up and store it with the rest of the christmas decorations. Alternatively you could use it as a storage system for bits and pieces storage - buttons, safety pins, pennies, beads...
